Elsa x Liam Litter
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DOB April 25, 2024

Wood Ridge Let It Go

Elsa x Liam Litter
DOB 4-25-2024
6 Females, 3 Males
Puppies ready for their new homes at 8 weeks old, beginning June 22, 2024!
Bring a puppy home for summer fun!
Elsa and puppies on their birth-day!
Elsa is a tender and attentive mamma.

Below, Puppies at one week old.

Puppies are two weeks old 5/12/2024
Puppies have grown quite a bit. Their eyes are beginning to open, and some puppies are toddling around. Big changes!
This week we conclude ENS (Early Neurological Stimulation), 5 simple exercises intended to create more resilient and healthy puppies. Read about ENS here.
Within the next week, puppies' eyes will fully open, their ears will begin to open, and they will become more steady on their feet. In the third week we begin to introduce them to lapping from a bowl. I think Elsa will appreciate this change, as she is looking pretty tired!
The pictures below are a gallery. Click on the arrow to forward. Pictures can also be enlarged by clicking in the middle.

Puppies are four weeks old 5/7/24
Puppies are changing and growing rapidly. They are lapping from a bowl and have begun eating some puppy food. Their space has grown to include litter boxes to facilitate house training by designating a space to eliminate vs. spaces to sleep and play (except when puppies nap in the litter box!). Short trips to the outdoors give puppies more room to stretch, play, and explore. Puppies are starting to play with toys and to wrestle. De-sensitization to different noises is a daily routine via the PupSchool app. Be sure to note the swoon-worthy eyelashes!
